Wednesday, November 23, 2016

WE ARE #2!!!

I know that I JUST posted that we were number 3 on the referral wait list, but to be fair that was old information when I gave it. We had an update call this afternoon and found out that we are number 2! Happy Thanksgiving to us!!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

In honor of Orphan Sunday...we are #3!

That is basically all I've got. We found out that we are number 3 on the wait list about a month ago and I just realized that I never updated the blog with our new number. We've actually got another update next week...wouldn't it be great to find out that we have moved up again?!?! I'm sure that's just wishful thinking. It's amazing how slow this process feels at some points and how fast it feels at others!

We have finally finished all of our paperwork updates...that was fun. More home study visits, reference letters, doctor visits (TB tests and blood draws...yikes!), fingerprints, background checks, notarizations, apostilles...glad that's over! Our dossier update was sent to RMI a few weeks ago so we are covered with most stuff for another year.

C and B are more excited than ever about a new sibling and are continuing to name him/her. Right now C is hoping for a boy...named Wrench Bow. Wrench Bow Bouchillon. We'll just go ahead and add that to the short list.

As always, in honor of Orphan Sunday we ask you to take a few minutes today to prayerfully consider your role in caring for orphans/foster children. If you aren't doing anything, you should be. If you don't think it's your place, it is.


"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Jalem...that's #5 in Marshallese!

Our most recent update was an exciting one...we are #5 on the waitlist now! 

We know that things don't necessarily go in numerical order when adopting from the RMI but it is still nice to know that we have moved up. Things have be happening very slowly this year and only a handful of referrals have been made so far. It is comforting to know that things are moving (and hoping that they will speed up!). 

The bulk of our paperwork was completed a year ago and is going out of date. According to Marshallese adoption law, everything has to have been completed (or updated) within a year of the adoption being completed. All of that means that we get to dive headfirst back into paperwork. It is crazy to think that a year ago I was relieved that the paperwork was completed but a little sad because it kept me busy...I felt like I was working toward something. Now I am DREADING it. So many tiny details that have to be perfect...just thinking about it makes me tired!!! Or maybe that's just the 3 and 5 year olds I live with...

Speaking of my people, we are having a wonderful time celebrating birthday week for little B! We love birthdays around here and one day of celebration is just not enough! He is a big 3 year old now, although he will argue up and down that he is only 2. I don't blame him. Stay young, sweet thing! ;)

Back to the adoption...we are beyond excited to see forward progress and cannot wait to meet the newest member of our family! We are blessed to have this opportunity to wait on the Lord's timing and are ready to see what He has in store for us during the rest of our wait. I know that my faith and trust in Him have grown immensely throughout this process, and that alone is enough reason to continue the wait with thanksgiving. Please continue to lift us up in prayer-for patience as we wait/dive back into paperwork and for our family as we prepare the boys (and ourselves) for the baby. 

Love you all!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

No News but a Shirt!

I'll just cut to the chase with this update...we haven't had one since January (at that time we were #8 on the list!) so no new news BUT we do have a super cute, really girly t-shirt if anyone would like to order one! 
These shirts are Canvas brand again (because I have a slight addiction to the way too comfy shirts...). Adult shirts are $20 and kids are $15. The kids shirts will be regular t-shirts. Shipping is $4. 

We are still saving/raising money so we are ready to go as soon as we get word from the adoption agency. Last weekend we had a rummage sale that went wonderfully! 
Thanks so much to everyone who helped and donated their junk! We couldn't have done it without you!

We are hoping for an update soon so hopefully I'll have more information to share then! 

On another non-adoption related note, DeeDee is not happy that she hasn't seen Touch a Truck pictures yet, so here you go!


