Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Just an Update...

Guys. There is literally no way for us to explain to you how blessed we have been in the past few months. It has been a long time since we have updated everyone on what has been going on (mainly because we can barely keep up with everything ourselves!) so I am going to take a few minutes to give an overview...

We have had lots of ups and downs recently but we can most definitely see God's hand at work in everything that is going on. We (read: I) have had to learn my lesson, over and over, that my plan is NOT always God's plan. It is awesome to see the work that God does through times that I feel like everything is falling apart. As my husband often (sort of jokingly) says, "You should just start every conversation with the assumption that I am right." I am often reminded that I should enter every situation with the assumption that God is right, that He has the situation under control.

With that said, since January, we have put our house up for sale, taken it off the market, are in the process of changing adoption agencies and have held a couple of (very successful) fundraisers, as well as lived the typical calm, serene life you expect with a four year old and almost two year old in the house....HAHAHA. RIIIIIGHT. Life has been crazy, Brett is currently working in a new position at work that requires some travel, went back to the Dominican Republic in February and is umpiring baseball most evenings. I have just made it through the busy season at work for me (IEPs...ugh...for anyone who knows what that's about) and we are wrapping up the school year...YAY!!!

The house deal felt like a big hit to us, but like I said, God has been there the whole way. He has given me total comfort with staying where we are and making the changes necessary for the home study. We know that staying there is part of His wonderful plan for our lives, so we will be happy in our home until He tells us to leave!

A few months ago, we learned that the timeline for completing an adoption through our current agency had been extended by many, many months so we began researching the other agency (there are only two that are involved in RMI). We felt comfortable with them and began their application process. It is much more lengthy than the other agency and has required several interviews as well as a book report...before they even send us an actual application. I feel sure that this will be the easiest part of the entire process, so no complaints!

Now on to what tends to be a very touchy subject in the adoption world--cost. Until now, we have not spoken much to anyone about the actual cost of the adoption, but after praying about the subject, we felt led to let people in on what is really going on. Many of you have poured so much into our lives: praying for us, spending time helping with the various fundraisers, and financially by participating in the fundraisers as you felt led. There is no way to say thank you enough, and we feel it is only fair that you guys get a better picture of how you have helped.

As most of you know, adoption is expensive.** Period. Domestic, international, either way you go it costs money (and time, and emotional well-being, a little bit of your sanity...). We know the arguments for domestic vs. international adoption and the long and short of it is that God led us to this particular country so we will be adopting from there. We don't know His reason yet, and may never really know, but we are doing what He has called us to do.

Of course, our first question was, "How in the world will we pay for that???" And of course, the answer was (had to be) "God will handle it." He has taken care of everything so far and we know that He will continue to provide. He has allowed us to save, Brett to receive a raise as well as umpire, and His hand has been on every fundraiser we have done.

So as far as the actual costs go, we expect to need around $40,000. At this point, we have saved/you guys have blessed us with almost $15,000!!! We are beyond excited!!! Seriously guys, everyone who bought cookies, shirts, raffle tickets, gave us money just because you love us, or donated items to the rummage sale...you made this happen! We wouldn't be where we are without all of you! We knew that God would provide and He has. He has provided us with an amazing, generous support system that will not only help bring our baby home, but will also love on our baby and teach him/her about God's love. We really couldn't ask for more!

Our goals were exceeded with our most recent fundraisers (our new t-shirts and the rummage sale). Just to get a glimpse of how God has worked in these--for the t-shirt sale, we set of an overall goal of 91 shirts. That would mean raising $1,000 on these shirts. When I say overall, I mean that each time we sold shirts ADDED TOGETHER we hoped to sell 91. When I went to bed the night that orders were due for the FIRST order, 91 shirts had been ordered. Yep. What can you do at that point other than praise God?! I mean really. No one else could have arranged that.

As for the rummage sale, thanks to all of the wonderful people who donated items and worked their tails off, over $2,000 (which was our goal) was raised! We are still recovering from the sale but the work was totally worth it. We even had some left over and are planning another (much smaller) sale at our home over the summer.

These are a few pictures from the rummage sale. Caleb was a totally willing participant...until he learned that we were actually selling all of those super cool toys everyone brought!

We are currently planning on making a cookbook as a physical way for us to remember (and one day for our baby to know) how many people loved and prayed for our child before he/she was even born. We would love for everyone to participate. All you need to do is send recipes to me and they will be included along with your name in the book. They can be snail-mailed or emailed to me (ebouchillon@gmail.com) or you can get them to anyone who knows how to contact us and they will pass them on. If you can get them to me by May 22, that would be wonderful!

All of that to say, we wanted to give you a detailed look at what is happening because the more details you know, the easier it is to see God moving in every tiny area. God has a huge, amazing plan for our lives (as He does for yours!) and we appreciate your support, whether it be through prayer, time, or financially, more than you will ever know!


**Many people don't realize why an international adoption is so expensive. I mean, shouldn't they just give those babies away for free so they can have a home?! Trust me, as much as I wish that were true, it's just not. There are administrative fees, attorney fees, background checks, reports written, often times a certain amount provided to the organization/person caring for the child, travel costs, etc. It seems ridiculous once it adds up, but we don't work for free and we can't expect anyone else to either.

"That my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!"
Psalm 30:12

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